Malaysia Automotive Recyclers Association (MAARA) was officially founded on 21 October 2008. It was initiated by Mr Gwee Bok Wee who used to travel to Japan for recycled parts business and supported by encouragement from Japan counterparts i.e. Japan Automotive Recyclers Association (JARA).
In the initial stage of establishment, MAARA aimed to encourage the business dealing between Japan and Malaysia only. However, after a year of establishment the Malaysia government announced the 2009 National Automotive Policy (NAP) which proposed to ban the importation of all used automotive parts starting from June 2011 with the objective to improve safety standards for consumers and promote environment-friendly opportunities:
III. Gradual Phase-out of Imported Used Parts and Components
Safety and environmental concerns rose from the practice of importing used parts and components without any restrictions or mandatory tests. The NAP Review is introducing a mechanism to prohibit imports of used parts and components, effective from June 2011.
This sudden news created a chaos in the industry, many related association started working together actively to convince the government. Since then MAARA had changed its role to represent the used parts industry to defend their interest and survival.
Besides having frequent roundtable talks with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry who proposed the policy, MAARA members showed their team work by rising over RM250, 000 via fund raising dinner to develop a paper project known as “a comprehensive studies for presentation as a response on the national automotive policy to the government”.
The project undertook by few professors from the renowned local university and after 6 months challenging period, the study showed 2 important findings:
- It is not true that main cause of road accidents are due to faulty used parts and components.
- Production of new parts will consume more energy, depletion of virgin material, more CO2 and CFC emission compared to reuse used imported parts.
After the presentation of the paper, the government finally lifted the ban and only restricted 4 safety related items i.e. used battery, brake lining, brake pad and used tire in Apr 2011. It was a great achievement for MAARA in their milestone since establishment.
Now MAARA continue to protect the industry welfare and we are glad to be included as partners with Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI) to develop the End-of Life Vehicle roadmap and its implementation in Malaysia.
MAARA is transforming the industry to be known as “auto Recycling “ industry instead of “kedai kereta potong” , “half cut shop”, used parts traders etc. to restore the confidence of the consumers as well as the government.
In the initial stage of establishment, MAARA aimed to encourage the business dealing between Japan and Malaysia only. However, after a year of establishment the Malaysia government announced the 2009 National Automotive Policy (NAP) which proposed to ban the importation of all used automotive parts starting from June 2011 with the objective to improve safety standards for consumers and promote environment-friendly opportunities:
III. Gradual Phase-out of Imported Used Parts and Components
Safety and environmental concerns rose from the practice of importing used parts and components without any restrictions or mandatory tests. The NAP Review is introducing a mechanism to prohibit imports of used parts and components, effective from June 2011.
This sudden news created a chaos in the industry, many related association started working together actively to convince the government. Since then MAARA had changed its role to represent the used parts industry to defend their interest and survival.
Besides having frequent roundtable talks with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry who proposed the policy, MAARA members showed their team work by rising over RM250, 000 via fund raising dinner to develop a paper project known as “a comprehensive studies for presentation as a response on the national automotive policy to the government”.
The project undertook by few professors from the renowned local university and after 6 months challenging period, the study showed 2 important findings:
- It is not true that main cause of road accidents are due to faulty used parts and components.
- Production of new parts will consume more energy, depletion of virgin material, more CO2 and CFC emission compared to reuse used imported parts.
After the presentation of the paper, the government finally lifted the ban and only restricted 4 safety related items i.e. used battery, brake lining, brake pad and used tire in Apr 2011. It was a great achievement for MAARA in their milestone since establishment.
Now MAARA continue to protect the industry welfare and we are glad to be included as partners with Malaysia Automotive Institute (MAI) to develop the End-of Life Vehicle roadmap and its implementation in Malaysia.
MAARA is transforming the industry to be known as “auto Recycling “ industry instead of “kedai kereta potong” , “half cut shop”, used parts traders etc. to restore the confidence of the consumers as well as the government.
MAARA's mission is to continue to be prime national, specialist non-profit association, dedicated to our members and the auto parts recycling industry in Malaysia.
1. To be an environmentally responsible, proactive and an essential business sector of the community.
2. To promote the highest profile for auto parts recycling industry.
3. To improve the recycling rate as well as environmental protection linked to local economic activities and promotion of urban development protecting the
living environment of public for the purpose.
4. To implement 3Rs' concept which are Reduce, Recycle, Reuse.
5. To be recognized authority for the auto parts recycling industry, acknowledgement as the contact point for the auto parts recyclers the auto trade industry
bodies, regularity authorities and the general community.
1. To be an environmentally responsible, proactive and an essential business sector of the community.
2. To promote the highest profile for auto parts recycling industry.
3. To improve the recycling rate as well as environmental protection linked to local economic activities and promotion of urban development protecting the
living environment of public for the purpose.
4. To implement 3Rs' concept which are Reduce, Recycle, Reuse.
5. To be recognized authority for the auto parts recycling industry, acknowledgement as the contact point for the auto parts recyclers the auto trade industry
bodies, regularity authorities and the general community.